I've built systems handling billions of requests using Go for growth-stage companies in the past. Go is a fantastic language for building scalable and maintainable services in growing engineering teams, it's easy to read, and it provides a ton of useful concurrency primitives. Here are some of the best practices and solutions I've encountered along the way.
Restoring Go Errors in gRPC Services
Harnessing the Power of Go Interfaces for Decoupling and Scaling at Inngest
Building a DNS message parser in Go
Go Embeds and JSON
Important Rules of Embedding Types in Go
Common Pitfalls in Go Application Development
The Weirdest Error I Ever Debugged
Building Go Test Suites using Testify
Verifying Asymmetrically-Signed JWTs in Go
Building Composable Go Applications With Interfaces
Conquering Randomness with Composable Go Application Design
Testing Web Applications in Go
Recovering HTTP Handlers In Go
Improving Static Assertions with Snapshot Tests in Go
Scaling Network Concurrency in Go
Understanding Go's context package
Parallelized Batch Processing in Go
Handling Concurrent Go Workflows
Choosing the Right Go Web Framework